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Why Cite

We cite sources to acknowledge the work of others, as well as to avoid academic dishonesty or plagiarism.

The University of Toronto  has made available a comprehensive set of guidelines on How NOT to Plagiarize .which deserves to be read by every student.

Citation Styles in Human Kinetics Programs

At Laurentian, professors will specify the citation style to be used.  In HK it is normally APA. To learn more about the APA and other citation styles, consult Laurentian's guide to citation styles.


is a free, web-based citation manager that allows you to: 

  • Directly import references from article databases, the library catalogue, e-book collections, etc.
  • Manage and organize your references.
  • Create a bibliography.
  • Share your references with others
  • Add in-text citation and a bibliography directly into your assignment 

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