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Laurentian's print collection includes multiple volumes from the Loeb Classical Library. Each volume contains the ancient text on the left page and an English translation on the right page. 

The Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum provides a catalogue of Latin texts that are currently available online. 

The Library of Ancient texts Online provides a catalogue of Greek texts that are currently available online. 



Citations of ancient authors (Hdt. 8.45, Thuc. 1.23, etc.) are enclosed in brackets within the text of the essay. They should be referenced by their traditional divisions, e.g. Hdt. 8.45 (= Herodotos, Book 8, chapter 45) or Pl. Symp. 175d3-5 (=Plato, Symposium 175d3-5). Poetry (including poetic translations of epic and drama) should be cited by line number, not page number, e.g. Verg. Aen. 4.285 (= Virgil The Aeneid book 4 line 285) or Hor. Carm. 2.10.3 (= Horace Odes book 2 poem 10 line 3). Unless it is absolutely necessary, ancient authors should not be referred to by the page number of a modern translation (if that is absolutely the only way to do it, then you must ensure that all the publishing information for that particular translation is also included with the essay).

Abbreviations of names of Greek and Latin authors and works should in general follow those used in the Oxford Classical Dictionary

(see the University of Waterloo's citation of sources, from which this is partly drawn, for more information on citing sources).